picture to Gif
Define custom palette
The converted GIF has only three colors: white and two tints of blue, therefore, the default 256 color palette can be reduced to 16. The custom palette is created with the palettegen filter.
ffmpeg -i frames/200.png -vf palettegen=16 palette.png
After the palette was created it can be used in the GIF conversion.
ffmpeg -i frames/%03d.png -i palette.png -filter_complex "fps=20,scale=720:-1:flags=lanczos[x];[x][1:v]paletteuse" logo.gif
Image Compression
ffmpeg -i image_source -q compress_level out_source
compress_level: The compression level is a positive integer, the larger the value, the higher the compression level
Constrained proportional compression
ffmpeg -i image_source -vf scale=width:height out_source
width is the compressed image width
height is the height of the compressed image
When either width or height has a value of -1, it will keep the original image size ratio and compress
Image crop
ffmpeg -i image_source -vf crop=width:height:from_x:from_y out_source
width is the width of the image to be cropped out
height is the height of the image to be cropped
from_x is the position of the starting X axis of the crop
from_y is the position of the starting Y axis of the crop
If from_x and from_y are not specified, it means to start cropping from the center of the original image
Add watermark image
ffmpeg -i image_source -vf movie=logo_source,scale=logo_width:logo_height,lut=a=val*opacity_num[watermask];[in][watermask] overlay=from_x:from_y[out] -y out_source
logo_source is the watermark image address
logo_width is the width of the watermark image
logo_height is the height of the watermark image
opacity_num is the transparency of the watermark image
from_x is the position of the starting X axis of the watermark
from_y is the position of the starting Y axis of the watermark
Add text watermark
ffmpeg -i image_source -vf drawtext=fontfile=font_ttf_path:fontcolor=font_color:fontsize=font_size:text=message_info:x=from_x:y=from_y out_source
font_ttf_path is the font path, this item must be set, otherwise there will be an error that the font cannot be found
The font path should be set to an absolute path and pay attention to the slash escape of the path (eg C\:/Windows/Fonts/simhei.ttf)
font_color is the color of the font
font_size is the size of the font
message_info is the watermark text content
from_x is the position of the starting X axis of the watermark
from_y is the position of the starting Y axis of the watermark
If the watermark content is Chinese, you need to set the Chinese font, otherwise the text will display garbled characters
Rotate the picture by the specified angle
ffmpeg -i image_source -vf rotate=route_num*PI/180 -y out_source
route_num is the angle to rotate
Rotate clockwise when route_num is greater than 0, and rotate counterclockwise when route_num is less than 0
Image rotation special and convenient commands
ffmpeg -i image_source -vf transpose=route_number -y out_source
route_number=0 Rotate 90 degrees clockwise and then mirror left and right
route_number=1 rotate 90 degrees clockwise
route_number=2 rotate 90 degrees counterclockwise
route_number=3 Rotate 90 degrees counterclockwise and then mirror left and right
Mirror image left and right
ffmpeg -i image_source -vf hflip out_source
Mirror the picture up and down
ffmpeg -i image_source -vf vflip out_source
Specify length and width
ffmpeg -i input.jpg -vf scale=320:240 output_320x240.png
Specify the length and height to scale proportionally
ffmpeg -i input.jpg -vf scale=320:-1 output_320x240.png
Scale twice as before
ffmpeg -i input.jpg -vf scale=iw*2:ih input_double_width.png
Scale to one-half of the previous
ffmpeg -i input.jpg -vf “scale=iw*.5:ih*.5” input_half_size.png
ffmpeg -i input.jpg -vf “scale=iw/2:ih/2” input_half_size.png